buy shares online can be a risky in some ways. If you don’t pay
attention you could lose your entire investment. If a company does
poorly, investors will sell, sending the stock price plummeting. When
you sell, you will lose your initial investment. If you can’t afford to
lose your initial investment, then you should buy bonds. You get an
income tax break if you lose money on your stock loss. Unfortunately,
you also have to pay taxes if you make money. It requires a lot of time.
You’ve got to research each and every company to determine how
profitable you think it will be before you buy stock. You’ve got to
learn how to read financial statements and annual reports, and follow
your company’s developments in the news. It can be an emotional
rollercoaster. Stock prices rise and fall every second. Individuals have
the tendency to buy high, out of greed, and sell low, out of fear. You
compete against professionals. Institutional investors and traders have
more time and knowledge to invest. Find out how to gain an advantage as
an individual investor. 40978
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